Be Inspired: True Inspirational and Heartwarming Stories

Forgiveness Heals Us

An inspiring story on how the power of forgiveness helped heal one man’s heart. Come read it and perhaps you’ll be inspired to practice more forgiveness in your life too.


Evry Jewels: Crafting Affordable Elegance with Passion and Innovation

In a world where fashion often comes at a high price, Evry Jewels is transforming the landscape with their stylish, affordable jewelry. Founded by siblings Brittany and Jake Sigal, this dynamic brand leverages a rich family heritage and innovative social media strategies to offer high-quality, trendsetting pieces that make luxury accessible to all. Discover how Evry Jewels is redefining elegance with heart and innovation, building a vibrant community along the way.



Colombian ‘Aventura’ with a Tiny Dog Sparks an Executive’s Transformation

In an extraordinary tale of transformation and resilience, a senior executive on the brink of emotional burnout found a new lease on life thanks to an unexpected source: a tiny lapdog named Twinkles. Check out Thomas Corr’s inspiring story here.


This Community Hero Shows Kids What a Healthy Childhood Looks Like

Meet, Sharon Alvarnaz, a community hero dedicated to showing kids the beauty of a healthy childhood. Through passion and dedication, she is making a difference. In this article, we’ll explore her inspiring impact on the young lives at A Kid’s Place in Tampa Bay, Florida.


Daily Dose

The Power of Just Being There

In a world that often values productivity and efficiency, it can be easy to overlook the power of simply being present. In this story, we’ll explore the profound impact that Bill had on some young neighborhood boys simply by “just being there”. Read the story here!


The Power of Courage

Three inspiring true stories about choosing courage over fear that will warm your heart. Read them here!


The Netherlands Created a New Way to Approach Dementia Caregiving

In the realm of dementia caregiving, the Netherlands has emerged as a pioneer, introducing a groundbreaking approach that is transforming the lives of both patients and caregivers. In this article, we will delve into the innovative methods implemented in the Netherlands and explore how they are revolutionizing the way we approach dementia caregiving. Prepare to be inspired by the remarkable strides made in this field and discover a new perspective on providing care for those living with dementia.



Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

-Carl Jung


The Hidden Figure Who Helped Put a Man on The Moon

In the history books, the story of the Apollo moon landing is often attributed to the brave astronauts who took that giant leap for mankind. But behind the scenes, there was a hidden figure who played a crucial role in making that momentous event possible. Get ready to be amazed by the extraordinary tale of the person who helped put a man on the moon.


This Dog Inspired a New Movement Toward Humane Rescue Programs

For anyone who is a dog owner you know that they come into our lives and forever change them for the better. Well, this story is about how some very special people at the Humane Society in Louisiana have forever changed this dog’s life, and with her help, hopefully many more to come. Check out this inspiring story here!


Santa Claus Has His Own Postal Code in Canada

For more than 40 years, Canada postal elves have been helping Santa read and reply to over one million letters per year from around the world! They are, by definition, one of the purest examples of the Christmas spirit by not only offering kids and adults alike a place to send their Christmas hopes and dreams but then answering each and every letter, ensuring they keep the Christmas magic alive for all! Read this incredibly inspiring story here!


A Tradition of Kindness on the Appalachian Trail

If you’re in need of a truly uplifting story to help you restore your faith in humanity, you’ve just found it! This one is about Nick, a man who went on a long adventure through the Appalachian Trail and witnessed unbelievable human kindness when he least expected it. Read this inspiring story here!


Get Up Early and Give Back

There is something special about being awake just as the sun is rising. There is something even more special about those mornings when you’re awake at this hour to do good for others. Read this heartwarming story about a Reverend and his group of volunteers who do this regularly for their community.


Mama Shu Honors Her Son’s Legacy by Changing Lives Each Day

After losing her 2 year old son, this woman, known as Mama Shu, chose to turn her grief into positive change for others. Read her inspiring story here.


AI Delivers Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection Opportunities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now helping doctors with earlier detection of one of the most common cancers women face, breast cancer. There are some very impressive case study results using the power AI brings to the table in the medical field and what that could mean for helping to save lives. Read the story here!


She Is Saving Shelter Dogs and Helping Bobcats Too!

An inspiring story on how Tina Skestos and her husband, George, created Gigi’s, a regional care campus that has already helped over 6,000 shelter dogs get healthy and prepared for adoption.


This Doll Making Business Has Provided Over 28 Million Meals for Hungry Children

Cuddle+Kind is a company that sells hand-knit dolls with a social mission at its heart. Read their inspiring story here!


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According to This Lightning Strike Survivor, Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Richard Rogers was struck by lightning, died, and came back to spend his life giving back to others, by giving them a second chance at life. He does this through his foundation Just One More. Read his inspiring story here!

Preliminary Analysis Indicates Wildfire Smoke Doesn’t Impact Solar Energy Collection

Preliminary Analysis Indicates Wildfire Smoke Doesn’t Impact Solar Energy Collection

The United States aims to ramp up solar energy production from 3% today to 45% in 2050. Read about the impact wildfires have on this goal.

Feel Good Stories - This Company Invests Over Half of Its Net Profits into Good Causes

This Company Invests Over Half of Its Net Profits into Good Causes

Ferrer is a pharmaceutical company based in Barcelona, Spain. Their goal is to help people manage their medical needs, but that isn’t where most of their money goes when patients buy their products.

Nice News - Historic Buildings Brought Back to Life by Minority Entrepreneurs

Historic Buildings Brought Back to Life by Minority Entrepreneurs

North Omaha is far enough away from I-80 that most cross-country travelers never head up to see this suburb in the Greater Omaha Metro Area. For Theardis Young and CharDale Barnes, this community is where they were born and raised.

Nice News - Garage of Blessings Offers Free Household Items to Their Community

Garage of Blessings Offers Free Household Items to Their Community

When you visit the Garage of Blessings, it looks like almost any other thrift store at first. What you won’t find is a price tag on most of the items. Everything at the back of the thrift store is offered to the community for free.

Feel Good Stories - Summer Picnics Are Helping to Restore This Community

Summer Picnics Are Helping to Restore This Community

Empower Youth is looking to reclaim what it lost during the pandemic. This non-profit organization hosts community picnics each week during the summer in Bethel, Ohio, to support local youth.

Be Inspired - College Football’s Best Tradition Just Got Better This Year

College Football’s Best Tradition Just Got Better This Year

If you’ve ever attended or seen a University of Wisconsin football game on TV, the entire stadium jumps between the third and fourth quarters to the song “Jump Around” by House of Pain. But, he tradition that is considered the best in the country is the Hawkeye Wave.

400-Year-Old Company Donates 100 Mattress Toppers to Homeless Youth

400-Year-Old Company Donates 100 Mattress Toppers to Homeless Youth

Piana Technology has been serving people for nearly 450 years. This textile company has been at the forefront of fiber and textile innovation throughout that time, including the production of nonwoven projects.

Positive Uplifting Stories - Why Being Compassionate Is Important

Why Being Compassionate Is Important

Compassion is as essential to living as oxygen is to breathing. How many kind, altruistic, and heroic acts would have occurred throughout history if compassion did not exist?

An Inspirational Life Driven One Mile at a Time

An Inspirational Life Driven One Mile at a Time

When a doctor says that it might be necessary to lose both legs to save your life, everything would likely come to a screeching halt. For Kelvin Hall, it was the first step toward a life that started to speed up.


Are you looking to be inspired by heartwarming stories to break up the doom-and-gloom of the mainstream news cycle? If you’re seeking uplifting news stories, you’ve come to the right place. Be Inspired is changing what it means to keep up with the news, bringing your feed positivity and joy with every one of our posts - because we see the need for it.

You’ll find uplifting news and true inspirational stories across our site sections, covering a range of stories both human and animal in nature (there was even an uplifting story about AI - where else would you find that?).

True inspirational stories are not in short supply, it’s just most journalists don’t want to cover it. And why? Because, sadly, it doesn’t drive as many clicks. As people, we know that an influx of negativity and bad news will do us harm, but we crave it anyway. It interests and excites us, but it’s all for the wrong reasons. Over time, the news will leave feeling you cynical towards the world, and you’ll find it hard to be inspired. We think that’s a bad place to be in and one that should be avoided at all costs! That’s why we deliver truly, positive inspirational stories as often as we can.

Reading just one or two positive inspirational stories a week can change one's outlook on our world.  If you look across our site, you’ll find an array of positive inspirational stories and uplifting news stories to read. If you’re having trouble picking one of our heartwarming stories to dive into, we recommend these as a starting point:

Our goal is that by reading some of our positive inspirational stories, we can ignite that spark of hope in your heart that, in spite of all the chaos and sometimes darkness, the world is still a beautiful place filled with very kind people.  Enjoy! And, if you have any positive inspirational stories of your own that you'd like to share, we'd love to hear them and share those with our readers! Visit "Submit Story" to submit yours today.